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Septic Wisdoms - pump it out regularly
Septic Tank Operation - South West Septic
  1. Everything that goes down a household drain flows into the tank via the inlet pipe.

  2. There are three layers of material in a septic tank.
    a.  Lighter fats and grease float on the top layer (scum).
    b.  Heavier solid wastes sink to the bottom of the tank (sludge).
    c.  The middle layer is effluent (liquid waste).

  3. Bacteria in the tank converts the scum (fats and grease) into effluent.  If your septic tank is healthy, the bacteria work to keep the sludge level low.  High water usage, antibacterial cleaners, bleach, excessive garbage disposal waste, medications, grease, antifreeze, painting products, hot tub water and pesticides will kill or swamp the good bacteria. 

  4. The effluent (liquid waste) flows out to the drain field.

  5. The sludge layer needs to be periodically pumped out.

Your pumping schedule
Septic Pumping Schedule
Your basic septic tank

Your basic septic tank

Your basic septic tank

Digging to find the lid

Digging to find the lid

If you don't have a riser on your septic tank, the lid can be buried and it will take some work to find it.

Surface accessible septic tank lids

Surface accessible septic tank lids

Surface accessible septic tank lids

Breaking up the crust before pumping

Breaking up the crust before pumping

Breaking up the crust before pumping

Septic tank with riser and filter

Septic tank with riser and filter

Septic tank with riser and filter

The Septic Tank

What is it?

According to Webster's Dictionary, the septic tank is "an underground tank in which waste matter is putrefied and decomposed through bacterial action."  The tank is a watertight container which is most commonly made of concrete.  It may also be made of fiberglass or polyethylene.  Whatever you flush or pour down the drain in your home goes into the septic tank. 


All septic tanks should have an inlet (from the house) and an outlet (to the drain field or other treatment area), risers to provide access to examine the PVC pipes and baffles and a manhole for pumping out the tank. 

How does it work?
Your Pumping Schedule

Ray and Mary Smail

Licence #S-1010

Owners & Operators

Madison Valley:  (406) 682-7854

Ruby Valley:  (406) 842-7854

Text: (406) 596-7854



South West Septic’s mission is to guide our customer’s knowledge, based on our experience and education, to help them understand the importance of a healthy septic system. This mission is achieved through the integrity of our customer service, quality maintenance standards, professionalism and value. 

Serving Madison and Jefferson Counties

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